Menurut sumber, individu terbabit mengakui dengan bangganya dia tidak membayar makanan yang telah dipesan dari kedai makanan. Namun beberapa jam kemudian, individu itu melalui ruangan komen mendakwa dia telah membayar makanan itu.
A father gets to serve jailed time for stealing food to feed his hungry kids.— Sherra Ong (@SherraOng) February 16, 2019
But instafamous like this getaway by a STUPID CHALLENGE. Before I screen record this, I read through the comments and they proudly claim they don't pay it back.
Stealing is a sin, but they so proud.🙄
First few hours after he posted the video, he proudly say that he don't pay for the food.— Sherra Ong (@SherraOng) February 17, 2019
Only after this video (the 1 that I posted), he started to comment in his ig that he paid for it.
Imagine people who have the intention to steal and get away with THIS CHALLENGE excuses.
Look from the right perspective, he makes robbery look easier. He makes people take this kind of challenge as jokes while a thief could use this challenge as a great example to do more robbery. We love to wait until things hit us instead of preventing it from happens.— Sherra Ong (@SherraOng) February 17, 2019
Bagi netizen, cabaran yang dilakukan oleh individu ini adalah tidak wajar dan khuatir akan diikut oleh golongan pendek akal yang kemudian menjadi pencuri dan menggunakan alasan 'Jangan Bayar Challenge' itu untuk melakukan jenayah.
Instafamous jarang tak bodoh— Nyonya Mansur 💕 (@tweetybij) February 17, 2019
Itukan salah satu ciri2 nak jadi instafamous— SON OF ROS (@apipikhwan_) February 17, 2019
Kalau diorang betul tak bayar, makan/pakai makanan/barang haram,— 🌬 (@auufff) February 16, 2019
semoga bulu ketiak diorang hijau, lepas tu bila diorang cabut satu helai akan tumbuh lagi 2 helai.
If i was there ? Surely i will help the workers to lodge a police report.— Muhamad Asyraff Muslim (@Muhammad_asyrff) February 16, 2019
Sumber: Twitter
(Video) Instafamous bangga buat 'Jangan Bayar Challenge' dikecam 'bodoh' oleh netizen
Hamba Allah